Christian Caruthers
2017-05-03 04:20:51 UTC
I have the following setup:
nodels gss1 nics
gss1: nics.nicips: bond0!
gss1: nics.nicextraparams: bond0!MTU=9000
gss1: nics.nicsadapter: bond0!MTU=9000
gss1: nics.nichostnamesuffixes: bond0!-10g
gss1: nics.nicdevices: bond0!enp134s0,enp134s0d1,enp27s0,enp27s0d1,enp32s0,enp32s0d1
gss1: nics.node: gss1
gss1: nics.niccustomscripts: bond0!configbond bond0 ***@enp134s0d1@***@enp27s0d1@enp32s0@
enp32s0d1 miimon=***@mode=***@xmit_hash_policy=1
gss1: nics.nicnetworks: bond0!10G
gss1: nics.nictypes: bond0!Ethernet
Despite this, the MTU setting isn't being placed in the ifcfg-bond script.
Looking at the nics manpage, it's not really clear which setting does which:
Comma-separated list of extra parameters that will be used for each NIC configuration.
Comma-separated list of extra parameters that will be used for each NIC configuration.
Christian Caruthers
Lenovo Professional Services
Mobile: 757-289-9872
nodels gss1 nics
gss1: nics.nicips: bond0!
gss1: nics.nicextraparams: bond0!MTU=9000
gss1: nics.nicsadapter: bond0!MTU=9000
gss1: nics.nichostnamesuffixes: bond0!-10g
gss1: nics.nicdevices: bond0!enp134s0,enp134s0d1,enp27s0,enp27s0d1,enp32s0,enp32s0d1
gss1: nics.node: gss1
gss1: nics.niccustomscripts: bond0!configbond bond0 ***@enp134s0d1@***@enp27s0d1@enp32s0@
enp32s0d1 miimon=***@mode=***@xmit_hash_policy=1
gss1: nics.nicnetworks: bond0!10G
gss1: nics.nictypes: bond0!Ethernet
Despite this, the MTU setting isn't being placed in the ifcfg-bond script.
Looking at the nics manpage, it's not really clear which setting does which:
Comma-separated list of extra parameters that will be used for each NIC configuration.
Comma-separated list of extra parameters that will be used for each NIC configuration.
Christian Caruthers
Lenovo Professional Services
Mobile: 757-289-9872