Check out LanServ/IPMI Sim. I've never tried it but it looks promising:
lanserv is a program that provides a LAN connection for a BMC that
does not otherwise have a LAN connection. It takes a standard Linux
IPMI device and implements the IPMI LAN protocol.
ipmi_sim is a full IPMI simulator and does not require a real BMC. It
can be used to simulate an entire IPMI system, including satellite
MCs. You can use it over a LAN connection, or it provides a serial
interface so it can be used with QEMU or other VMs. The serial
interface implements the serial protocols available on many ATCA
blades, and it also emulates a protocol so it may be used for
emulation of a standard IPMI interface (KCS, SMIC, BT, SSIF) including
the handling of reset, power, and interrupts.
On 5/9/2017 8:23 AM, Mark Potter wrote:
> I have been tasked with doing some internal training on xCAT. Since I
> have a nice, stable RHEV setup I have everyone setup with their own
> private lab environment and so far my testing has gone well. The only
> bit I cant figure out is power control. Ive been through the docs
> and have seen where xCAT can handle power when it knows about RHEV and
> is deploying the virtual machines but thats not what I need. This is
> supposed to simulate a physical environment. Is there a way to have
> xCAT control power from a virtual head node on virtual nodes that
> werent created by xCAT?
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