[xcat-user] kickstart error
Fırat Yılmaz
2017-05-10 14:48:12 UTC
Hi everybody,


*Version 2.13.4*

*OS Oracle LÄ°nux 6.9*

*Server Oracle sunfire X4170M2*

This is my first xcat day so sorry if my question is noobish.

I set up master node and try to provision my first compute node. Booting
process starts on compute node but then i get kickstart error.

line 127 A single argument is expected for rootpw command

[***@xcatmn xcat]# cat /tmp/osimage.stanza
# <xCAT data object stanza file>


i check the file


118 # To generate an encrypted root password use:
119 #
120 # perl -e 'print crypt("blah","Xa") . "\n";'p
121 # openssl passwd -apr1 -salt xxxxxxxx password
122 #
123 # where "blah" is your root password.
124 #
125 #rootpw --iscrypted *********
126 #rootpw XaLGAVe1C41x2 --iscrypted
127 rootpw --iscrypted

eventhough i change this file i get the same error and this was the only
image in the xcat

*It didn't accept oracle linux iso name so i changed it with rhels6


is it an error related with Oracle Linux support or i am missing
something else?
Best Regards

Firat Yilmaz
Mark Gurevich
2017-05-10 17:39:37 UTC

Did you set the compute node password as described here (first bullet
under #1):


Mark Gurevich
Poughkeepsie Development Lab
HPC Software Development - xCAT

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research,
would it?"
--Albert Einstein

From: Fýrat Yýlmaz <***@eduline.com.tr>
To: xCAT Users Mailing list <xcat-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Date: 05/10/2017 12:10 PM
Subject: [xcat-user] kickstart error

Hi everybody,

Version 2.13.4
OS Oracle LÝnux 6.9
Server Oracle sunfire X4170M2
This is my first xcat day so sorry if my question is noobish.
I set up master node and try to provision my first compute node. Booting
process starts on compute node but then i get kickstart error.
line 127 A single argument is expected for rootpw command
[***@xcatmn xcat]# cat /tmp/osimage.stanza
# <xCAT data object stanza file>

i check the file

118 # To generate an encrypted root password use:
119 #
120 # perl -e 'print crypt("blah","Xa") . "\n";'p
121 # openssl passwd -apr1 -salt xxxxxxxx password
122 #
123 # where "blah" is your root password.
124 #
125 #rootpw --iscrypted *********
126 #rootpw XaLGAVe1C41x2 --iscrypted
127 rootpw --iscrypted
eventhough i change this file i get the same error and this was the only
image in the xcat
*It didn't accept oracle linux iso name so i changed it with rhels6

is it an error related with Oracle Linux support or i am missing something
Best Regards
Firat Yilmaz
Fırat Yılmaz
2017-05-10 17:57:32 UTC
Hi Mark,

Yes i set the password and checked with *tabdump passwd | grep ipmi*

I rerun the nodeset command for the related computenode and set rootpw
without encryption and it worked. Probably i made a typing mistake on
first nodeset command.

Now i have a post installation loop and checking the archive messages :)

Best Regards.

Fırat Yılmaz

On 10-05-2017 20:39, Mark Gurevich wrote:
> Firat,
> Did you set the compute node password as described here (first bullet
> under #1):
> http://xcat-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guides/admin-guides/manage_clusters/ppc64le/configure/password.html
> Mark Gurevich
> Poughkeepsie Development Lab
> HPC Software Development - xCAT
> "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
> research, would it?"
> --Albert Einstein
> From: Fırat Yılmaz <***@eduline.com.tr>
> To: xCAT Users Mailing list <xcat-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Date: 05/10/2017 12:10 PM
> Subject: [xcat-user] kickstart error
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi everybody,
> *Version 2.13.4*
> *OS Oracle LÄ°nux 6.9*
> *Server Oracle sunfire X4170M2*
> This is my first xcat day so sorry if my question is noobish.
> I set up master node and try to provision my first compute node.
> Booting process starts on compute node but then i get kickstart error.
> line 127 A single argument is expected for rootpw command
> [***@xcatmn xcat]# cat /tmp/osimage.stanza
> # <xCAT data object stanza file>
> rhels6-x86_64-install-compute:
> objtype=osimage
> imagetype=linux
> osarch=x86_64
> osdistroname=rhels6-x86_64
> osname=Linux
> osvers=rhels6
> otherpkgdir=/install/post/otherpkgs/rhels6/x86_64
> pkgdir=/install/rhels6/x86_64
> pkglist=/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/rh/compute.rhels6.x86_64.pkglist
> profile=compute
> provmethod=install
> *template=/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/rh/compute.rhels6.x86_64.tmpl*
> i check the file
> */opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/rh/compute.rhels6.x86_64.tmpl *
> 118 # To generate an encrypted root password use:
> 119 #
> 120 # perl -e 'print crypt("blah","Xa") . "\n";'p
> 121 # openssl passwd -apr1 -salt xxxxxxxx password
> 122 #
> 123 # where "blah" is your root password.
> 124 #
> 125 #rootpw --iscrypted *********
> 126 #rootpw XaLGAVe1C41x2 --iscrypted
> 127 rootpw --iscrypted
> $6$GkVC6JaLB8MiFJvzEx8uTEGOaKFqe*****L6VeT/vdTK8CC******iqiaB/lMUlK******sQL.
> eventhough i change this file i get the same error and this was the
> only image in the xcat
> *It didn't accept oracle linux iso name so i changed it with rhels6
> is it an error related with Oracle Linux support or i am missing
> something else?
> Best Regards
> Firat Yilmaz
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> xCAT-user mailing list
> xCAT-***@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xcat-user
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Russell Auld
2017-05-10 19:13:55 UTC
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Song BJ Yang
2017-05-11 03:28:43 UTC
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Fırat Yılmaz
2017-05-11 08:32:56 UTC
Hi All,

I've tested the computenode provisioning from stratch and everything
seems ok now.

I had 2 uplink on computenode eth0 (has DHCP) for external network and
eth1 was for the provisioning network. I read that it may cause some
errors so unpluged the eth0 and keep going.

Thanks everyone.

Best Regards

Fırat Yılmaz
On 11-05-2017 06:28, Song BJ Yang wrote:

> python -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("My Password"))'