[xcat-user] How can I deploy an OS on a VM skipping the installation steps?
Nora D
2017-03-14 14:51:37 UTC
If I have a virtual machine, how can I install on it an operating system skipping the installation steps?

In other words, when I choose an operating system to be installed on the VM, I want to use it immediately without bothering with the installation steps (like choosing the language, username, etc)

Also how can it be a headless VM? Meaning that I don't need the OS with a graphical user interface. I only want to use it via the terminal.

Is there anyway that I can do that?

Note: I am using KVM and libvirt.

Please help ASAP.


Sent from my iPhone
Mark Gurevich
2017-03-14 16:09:59 UTC

Installing such "headless" VM is one of the things that xCAT helps you to

Step 1 is to prepare the OS for xCAT to install, you can follow
instructions here:

Step 2 is to create and install the VM with that OS image:

Mark Gurevich
Poughkeepsie Development Lab
HPC Software Development - xCAT

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research,
would it?"
--Albert Einstein

From: Nora D <***@live.com>
To: "xcat-***@lists.sourceforge.net"
Date: 03/14/2017 11:08 AM
Subject: [xcat-user] How can I deploy an OS on a VM skipping the
installation steps?

If I have a virtual machine, how can I install on it an operating system
skipping the installation steps?
In other words, when I choose an operating system to be installed on the
VM, I want to use it immediately without bothering with the installation
steps (like choosing the language, username, etc)
Also how can it be a headless VM? Meaning that I don't need the OS with a
graphical user interface. I only want to use it via the terminal.
Is there anyway that I can do that?
Note: I am using KVM and libvirt.
Please help ASAP.

Sent from my iPhone
Nora D
2017-03-14 16:18:19 UTC
How can I create my own iso file with my own configured packages and configurations? So I can deploy my configured iso image in my slave nodes?

On Mar 14, 2017, at 7:16 PM, Mark Gurevich <***@us.ibm.com<mailto:***@us.ibm.com>> wrote:


Installing such "headless" VM is one of the things that xCAT helps you to do.

Step 1 is to prepare the OS for xCAT to install, you can follow instructions here: http://xcat-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guides/admin-guides/manage_clusters/ppc64le/diskful/copy_image.html

Step 2 is to create and install the VM with that OS image:

Mark Gurevich
Poughkeepsie Development Lab
HPC Software Development - xCAT

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
--Albert Einstein

From: Nora D <***@live.com<mailto:***@live.com>>
To: "xcat-***@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:xcat-***@lists.sourceforge.net>" <xcat-***@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:xcat-***@lists.sourceforge.net>>
Date: 03/14/2017 11:08 AM
Subject: [xcat-user] How can I deploy an OS on a VM skipping the installation steps?

If I have a virtual machine, how can I install on it an operating system skipping the installation steps?
In other words, when I choose an operating system to be installed on the VM, I want to use it immediately without bothering with the installation steps (like choosing the language, username, etc)
Also how can it be a headless VM? Meaning that I don't need the OS with a graphical user interface. I only want to use it via the terminal.
Is there anyway that I can do that?
Note: I am using KVM and libvirt.
Please help ASAP.

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Christopher Samuel
2017-03-15 03:16:42 UTC
On 15/03/17 03:18, Nora D wrote:

> How can I create my own iso file with my own configured packages and
> configurations? So I can deploy my configured iso image in my slave nodes?

I've never used it, but the xCAT documentation says it supports using
SystemImager to deploy prepared images to nodes.


We use xCAT's "statelite" support to boot a pre-prepared RAMdisk image
onto our diskless compute nodes.

All the best,
Christopher Samuel Senior Systems Administrator
Melbourne Bioinformatics - The University of Melbourne
Email: ***@unimelb.edu.au Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545
Christopher Samuel
2017-03-15 03:29:03 UTC
On 15/03/17 14:16, Christopher Samuel wrote:

> I've never used it, but the xCAT documentation says it supports using
> SystemImager to deploy prepared images to nodes.

Wrong (old) documentation link sorry! The current doc site is:


All the best,
Christopher Samuel Senior Systems Administrator
Melbourne Bioinformatics - The University of Melbourne
Email: ***@unimelb.edu.au Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545