How can I create my own iso file with my own configured packages and configurations? So I can deploy my configured iso image in my slave nodes?
On Mar 14, 2017, at 7:16 PM, Mark Gurevich <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
Installing such "headless" VM is one of the things that xCAT helps you to do.
Step 1 is to prepare the OS for xCAT to install, you can follow instructions here:
Step 2 is to create and install the VM with that OS image:
Mark Gurevich
Poughkeepsie Development Lab
HPC Software Development - xCAT
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
--Albert Einstein
From: Nora D <***<mailto:***>>
To: "xcat-***<mailto:xcat-***>" <xcat-***<mailto:xcat-***>>
Date: 03/14/2017 11:08 AM
Subject: [xcat-user] How can I deploy an OS on a VM skipping the installation steps?
If I have a virtual machine, how can I install on it an operating system skipping the installation steps?
In other words, when I choose an operating system to be installed on the VM, I want to use it immediately without bothering with the installation steps (like choosing the language, username, etc)
Also how can it be a headless VM? Meaning that I don't need the OS with a graphical user interface. I only want to use it via the terminal.
Is there anyway that I can do that?
Note: I am using KVM and libvirt.
Please help ASAP.
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